Li Ai Oh’s interview with Clayton Bjelan on Towards Understanding – Peacemaking in a world full of conflict

In light of the tragic and disturbing recent events in Australia and with ongoing global events, Towards Understanding*put together a special edition of the program in May 2024 to encourage people to pursue peace in this time, and to pray. In this interview, PeaceWise Board Member and Conciliation Manager, Li Ai Oh, spoke with Clayton Bjelan about how to posture our hearts and have healthy, God-honouring conversations in times of conflict.

In addition to this special, a website ( has been set up by Christian Media and Arts Australia, which contains prayer points you can use. If you are struggling, we encourage you to reach out to LifeLine.

*Towards Understanding is a full-length feature interview radio program hosted by Clayton Bjelan. The show contains a mix of interviews based around the understanding and living out of Christian faith and those just doing remarkable things in our world.

Interview length: 31:17 minutes

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