Thank you for joining with us to make disciples across Australia by promoting PeaceWise training!

PeaceWise training equips and encourages Christians to live out the gospel practically in their relationships and so helps Christians mature, making following Jesus attractive. 

To assist with the promotion of this training we have included a range of resources for you to share with your community.

You can jump to any of the resource sections by clicking on the relevant buttons below.

social media resources

You can use the images and provided text below to share about the upcoming PeaceWise training on your social media platforms.

Please feel free to adapt the accompanying text as needed.

social post #1

social post #2

social post #3

video resources

The first video below provides a short introduction and explanation of the first PeaceWise course. The “training testimonial” video shares three people’s experience of training and how they have been impacted by attending. You can play the videos directly from this page. Alternatively, please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to access the videos in an alternative format.

Everyday peacemaking intro video

training testimonial video

flyer resources

The flyers below can be downloaded and shared electronically. If you are printing copies for physical distribution we kindly ask that you print all copies in colour and on quality paper.

PeaceWise general flyer

Newcastle training flyer

Everyday Peacemaking invitation

general resources

powerpoint slide

The slide below can be used at a Sunday service to remind your church congregation of the upcoming training.